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6 Reasons Why I Stopped Getting Eyelash Extensions: The Truth You Need to Know

Why I Stopped Eyelash Extensions

Discover the reasons why I stopped getting eyelash extensions, from damaging my natural lashes to high maintenance and cost.

As a woman, I have always been interested in enhancing my natural beauty. One trend that I jumped on board with was eyelash extensions. For years, I loved the look of long, fluttery lashes that framed my eyes perfectly. However, after several months of getting eyelash extensions, I found myself questioning whether they were really worth it. Eventually, I made the decision to stop getting them altogether. In this article, I will explain why I stopped getting eyelash extensions and the impact it has had on my life.

Firstly, let's discuss the process of getting eyelash extensions. It involves having synthetic lashes glued onto your natural lashes, one by one. The process can take up to two hours and can cost upwards of $100. While the end result can be stunning, the upkeep is quite high. You need to avoid getting your lashes wet, avoid sleeping on your stomach, and avoid using oil-based products near your eyes. Not to mention, you need to go back every few weeks for a fill to maintain the fullness of your lashes.

Despite the high maintenance, I continued to get eyelash extensions for months. However, over time, I noticed that my natural lashes were becoming more sparse and shorter. I also experienced some irritation and redness around my eyes, which I attributed to the glue used during the application process. This was the first sign that made me question whether eyelash extensions were really worth it.

Another factor that contributed to my decision to stop getting eyelash extensions was the cost. As mentioned earlier, the process can be quite expensive. While I enjoyed the way my lashes looked, I couldn't justify spending that much money on something that wasn't a necessity. Instead, I decided to invest in a good mascara and lash serum to enhance my natural lashes instead of relying on extensions.

Furthermore, I realized that eyelash extensions were taking up a lot of my time. Not only did I spend several hours getting them applied, but I also had to schedule regular appointments for fills. This was time that I could have spent doing something else, such as pursuing a hobby or spending time with friends and family.

In addition to the time and cost factors, I also started to question the impact that eyelash extensions were having on my self-esteem. While they made me feel beautiful, I couldn't help but wonder if I was becoming too reliant on them. I didn't want to feel like I needed eyelash extensions to feel confident or attractive.

As I continued to ponder these thoughts, I made the decision to stop getting eyelash extensions altogether. It wasn't an easy decision, as I loved the way they looked, but ultimately, I knew it was the right choice for me. Since then, I have noticed that my natural lashes have grown longer and fuller, and I no longer experience any irritation or redness around my eyes.

Overall, while eyelash extensions can be a great way to enhance your natural beauty, they aren't for everyone. For me, the high maintenance, cost, and impact on my self-esteem were enough to make me stop getting them. While I do miss the way they looked sometimes, I am happy with my decision and have found other ways to enhance my natural lashes.


As a woman, I always strive to enhance my beauty and look my best. One of the things I used to do to achieve this was getting eyelash extensions. I loved how they made my eyes pop and how they saved me time in my daily makeup routine. However, after a few months of getting them regularly, I decided to stop. In this article, I will explain why I stopped getting eyelash extensions and what I learned from the experience.

The Maintenance is Time-Consuming

One of the reasons I stopped getting eyelash extensions was the maintenance required. I had to be careful not to get them wet for the first 24 hours, avoid rubbing my eyes, and avoid oil-based products. Additionally, I had to brush them every day and go for touch-ups every two to three weeks. This maintenance routine was time-consuming and inconvenient for my busy schedule.

The Cost Adds up Quickly

Another reason I stopped getting eyelash extensions was the cost. The initial set can cost anywhere from $100 to $300, depending on the salon and type of lashes used. Touch-ups can also add up quickly, costing around $50 to $100 per session. Over time, the cost of maintaining eyelash extensions became too much to justify, especially when there were other affordable beauty options available.

The Damage to Natural Lashes

One of the biggest concerns with eyelash extensions is the damage they can cause to natural lashes. The weight of the extensions and the glue used to apply them can cause natural lashes to become weak and break off. After a few months of getting eyelash extensions, I noticed that my natural lashes were thinner and shorter than before. This damage was not worth the temporary beauty enhancement.

The Risk of Infection

Another downside of eyelash extensions is the risk of infection. The glue used to apply the lashes can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Additionally, if the salon is not following proper hygiene practices, there is a risk of bacterial or fungal infections. While the risk of infection is low, it is still a concern that should be taken seriously.

Natural Alternatives are Available

After stopping eyelash extensions, I learned that there are natural alternatives available that can achieve the same look without the risks and maintenance. One of these alternatives is using mascara and a lash curler to enhance natural lashes. Another alternative is using a lash serum to promote lash growth and thickness. These natural options are affordable, convenient, and do not damage natural lashes.

The Importance of Self-Acceptance

Stopping eyelash extensions also taught me the importance of self-acceptance. As women, we often feel pressure to conform to beauty standards and enhance our features to look our best. However, true beauty comes from accepting ourselves for who we are and embracing our natural features. By stopping eyelash extensions, I learned to embrace my natural lashes and appreciate them for what they are.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why I stopped getting eyelash extensions. The maintenance required was time-consuming, the cost added up quickly, and the risk of damage and infection was not worth it. Additionally, I learned that there are natural alternatives available that can achieve the same look without the risks and maintenance. Finally, stopping eyelash extensions taught me the importance of self-acceptance and embracing my natural features.Eyelash extensions have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many women opting for them as a way to achieve longer and fuller lashes. However, after trying them out myself, I decided to stop getting eyelash extensions. Here are the reasons why:

Damage to Natural Lashes

One of the biggest concerns with eyelash extensions is the potential damage they can cause to your natural lashes. The weight of the extensions, glue, and application process can all contribute to weakened and damaged lashes. Over time, this can lead to thinning and even loss of natural lashes.


Another drawback of eyelash extensions is the time commitment required. The initial application can take several hours, and regular upkeep appointments are necessary to maintain the look. For busy individuals, finding the time to commit to this beauty regimen can be a challenge.

Allergic Reactions

Some people may experience an allergic reaction to the adhesive used to attach extensions. This can lead to redness, irritation, and swelling around the eyes. It's essential to do a patch test before getting eyelash extensions to ensure you're not allergic to the adhesive.

High Maintenance

Maintaining eyelash extensions requires a great deal of effort and attention. Regular touch-up appointments are necessary to keep the extensions looking their best, and certain products and activities must be avoided to prevent the extensions from falling out prematurely.


Eyelash extensions can be quite costly, especially when considering the costs of regular upkeep appointments. For those on a budget, this may not be a feasible option.

Risk of Infection

Improper application of eyelash extensions can lead to eye infections like conjunctivitis. It's crucial to choose an experienced and professional lash artist to minimize this risk.

Limitations on Exercise, Swimming, and Sauna

Eyelash extensions require limitations on activities like showering, swimming, and sauna. Even exercise routines can cause sweating, leading to premature falling out of extensions.

Inability to Change Looks

While eyelash extensions can provide beautiful and long lashes, they don't offer a variety of styles. If you want a change in your look, this is not possible with eyelash extensions.

Natural Shedding of Lashes

Over time, natural lashes shed, and when this happens, it takes extensions with it, leaving gaps in your lash line that can look unsightly.

Eye Sensitivity

People with eye conditions like dry eye syndrome or a history of ocular diseases may not be suitable candidates for eyelash extensions. The adhesive and weight of extensions can exacerbate sensitivity and lead to further eye issues.In conclusion, while eyelash extensions can provide beautiful results, the potential drawbacks make them a less-than-ideal choice for some. Factors like damage to natural lashes, time commitment, allergic reactions, high maintenance, cost, risk of infection, limitations on activities, inability to change looks, natural shedding of lashes, and eye sensitivity are all things to consider before deciding whether to try eyelash extensions.

Why I Stopped Eyelash Extensions

The Beginning of My Eyelash Extension Journey

I used to be obsessed with having long, fluttery eyelashes. I would spend hours applying falsies and coats upon coats of mascara just to achieve the look I wanted. That's when I discovered eyelash extensions. The idea of waking up with thick, voluminous lashes every morning sounded like a dream come true.

So, I did my research and found a reputable salon that offered eyelash extension services. The process took about two hours, but the end result was worth it. I felt like a new person with my beautiful, natural-looking lashes.

The Downside of Eyelash Extensions

However, as time went on, I began to notice some drawbacks to having eyelash extensions. For one, they required a lot of maintenance. I had to avoid rubbing my eyes or sleeping on my stomach to prevent them from falling out prematurely.

Another issue was the cost. Eyelash extensions were not cheap, and I found myself spending a significant amount of money every few weeks to maintain them.

The Final Straw

But what really made me decide to stop getting eyelash extensions was the damage they were causing to my natural lashes. I noticed that my real lashes were becoming shorter and weaker with each appointment.

After doing some research, I learned that eyelash extensions can cause long-term damage to your natural lashes. The glue used to attach the extensions can cause breakage and even permanent loss of lashes. This was a risk I wasn't willing to take anymore.

The Verdict

In the end, I decided to say goodbye to eyelash extensions and focus on taking care of my natural lashes. I invested in a good lash serum and started taking better care of my overall eye health.

While I miss the convenience of having long lashes 24/7, I know that it's not worth sacrificing the health of my natural lashes. Plus, there are plenty of other ways to enhance your eyes without resorting to extensions.


  • Eyelash extensions
  • Maintenance
  • Cost
  • Damage
  • Natural lashes
  • Lash serum
  • Eye health

Why I Stopped Eyelash Extensions

Dear blog visitors,

I am writing this closing message to share with you my experience of why I stopped getting eyelash extensions. As someone who loves makeup and beauty, I was always fascinated by the idea of having long and fluttery lashes. So, I decided to try out eyelash extensions and went to a salon to get them done.

At first, I was thrilled with the results. My lashes looked fuller and more dramatic than ever before. However, after a few weeks, I started to notice some problems.

Firstly, my natural lashes were becoming weaker and thinner. The glue used to attach the extensions was starting to damage my lash follicles, causing my natural lashes to fall out. This was not only painful but also made me feel self-conscious about my appearance.

Secondly, maintaining the extensions was quite time-consuming. I had to be very careful while washing my face and avoid rubbing my eyes. Also, I had to go back to the salon every few weeks for a touch-up, which was expensive and inconvenient.

Thirdly, the extensions were not very durable. Sometimes, they would fall out on their own, leaving me with uneven and patchy-looking lashes. Other times, they would get tangled or clumped together, making it difficult to apply eye makeup.

Overall, I realized that getting eyelash extensions was not worth the hassle or the damage it caused to my natural lashes. So, I decided to stop getting them and focus on taking care of my natural lashes instead.

Here are some tips that helped me restore my natural lashes:

  • Use a gentle and oil-free eye makeup remover
  • Avoid using mascara or eyeliner on a daily basis
  • Eat a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients
  • Apply castor oil or coconut oil to your lashes before bed to promote growth

I hope my experience has helped you make an informed decision about getting eyelash extensions. Remember, beauty should not come at the cost of your health or well-being. There are plenty of other ways to enhance your natural beauty without resorting to harmful procedures like eyelash extensions.

Thank you for reading my blog and for your support. I look forward to sharing more insights and tips with you in the future.


[Your Name]

Why I Stopped Eyelash Extensions

What are the reasons for stopping eyelash extensions?

There were a few reasons why I decided to stop getting eyelash extensions:

  • The cost of getting them redone every few weeks was adding up.
  • It was difficult to maintain them properly, and they started looking clumpy and unnatural.
  • I was worried about the potential damage to my natural lashes.

What are the risks of getting eyelash extensions?

While eyelash extensions can look great, there are some risks to be aware of:

  1. Damage to natural lashes: If the extensions are too heavy, or not applied properly, they can cause damage to your natural lashes.
  2. Infection: If the tools or materials used during the procedure are not properly sterilized, you could be at risk for infection.
  3. Allergic reactions: Some people are allergic to the adhesive used to apply the extensions, which can cause swelling, itching, and redness.

What are the alternatives to eyelash extensions?

If you're looking for a way to enhance your lashes without getting extensions, there are a few options:

  • Lash lifts: This treatment curls your natural lashes, giving them a lifted and fuller appearance.
  • Mascara: A good mascara can make a big difference in the appearance of your lashes.
  • Lash serums: These products can help promote lash growth and make your natural lashes appear longer and fuller.

What should I consider before getting eyelash extensions?

If you're considering getting eyelash extensions, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Do your research: Make sure you go to a reputable salon and technician who uses high-quality products.
  • Be prepared for maintenance: Eyelash extensions require regular upkeep, so be prepared to go back every few weeks for touch-ups.
  • Consider the cost: Eyelash extensions can be expensive, so make sure it's something you're willing to invest in.
In conclusion, while eyelash extensions can look great, they come with risks and require regular upkeep. There are other options available if you want to enhance your lashes, so do your research and consider all your options before making a decision.